Our Approach

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GCL believes that our neighbouring communities and society as whole should progress along with us and hence participation of communities and stakeholders’ engagement is significant while addressing the social and environmental issues which are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal.

Holistic Social Development

Develop CSR projects in the area of Education, Health, Rural Social Infrastructure and Livelihood which will positively impact the lives of the people.

Empowerment & Sustainability

Participatory social development process and empowerment of marginalised communities through capacity building, awareness and connecting them with new technology in order to bring Sustainability.

Protect and Conserve our Environment

Address Environmental issues such as Waste Management, Water Conservation and Promote Non-Conventional energy.

Alignment with SDG

Address Social and Environmental issues in line with Sustainable Development Goals.

Collaboration and Partnership

Collaborate & Partnership with like-minded organisations and Institutes who demonstrate the innovation, empowerment of communities and execute measurable impact-oriented projects.

Enabling Stakeholders Engagement

Engage Stakeholders for high level impact of our social initiatives

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